Interesting Links to Other Resources
The BAR at UofT provides tools for Arabidopsis expression analysis including the ExpressionAngler tool, electronic Northerns, and a nice visualization of organ expression data (the eFP browser), just to mention a few.
The Genevestigator database contains probably the most extensive collection of expression data from Affymetrix arrays and provides many tools for expression analysis of genes of interest
At The Platform for RIKEN Metabolomics (PRIMe) you may also perform co-expression analyses and find information on plant natural products
The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR), the MIPS A. thaliana Genome Database (MAtDB) and The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) provide comprehensive information covering almost all aspects of Arabidopsis genomics
And here are some links to other P450 sites:
David Nelson's P450 site (and the plant phylogeny within)
Joan Krochko's plant P450 site
Mary Schuler's Arabidopsis P450 site
The Arabidopsis P450 site at PlaCe
Kirill Degtyarenko P450 Café